Victoria Trogani | Brand Content Specialist + Designer for Creatives + Entrepreneurs
Victoria Trogani
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Everything you need to upLevel your business All in one place

Whether you need high-end images, a refresh for your brand design, or a new website that works for you, I’ve got you covered!


I’m looking for…


Brand Photography.

Social video.

Private Photo Editing.

graphic design ipad mockups.jpg

Graphic Design

LOGO DEsign.

Social media graphics.

Branding Suite.




Custom Squarespace site.

Website graphics.

Website updates.


sign up with your email address to receive news and updates!

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Hi! I’m Victoria

A photographer & designer based in Boston, MA, serving creatives and entrepreneurs worldwide.



French Countryside

Print Collection Available Now




Film Preset Pack in the Shop Now!


This pack includes Seven beautiful Lightroom Presets designed to take your digital photos and make them look like film. WHATEVER THE WEATHER, WHATEVER THE TONE, THESE PRESETS PERFORM BEAUTIFULLY ON PORTRAITS, FOOD, NATURE, LIFESTYLE, CITYSCAPES, AND LANDSCAPES.